
COBOL PICTURE Clauses COBOL Picture Clause Usage Descriptions

Some examples
- PICTURE 999 a three digit (+iveonly) integer
- PICTURE S999 a three digit (+ive/-ive) integer
- PICTURE XXXX a four character text item or string
- PICTURE 99V99 a +ive‘real’in the range 0 to 99.99
- PICTURE S9V9 a +ive/-ive‘real’in the range ?
- If you wish you can use the abbreviation PIC.
- Numeric values can have a maximum of 18 (eighteen) digits (i.e. 9’s).
- The limit on string values is usually system-dependent.

Abbreviating recurring symbols

Recurring symbols can be specified using a ‘repeat’factor inside round brackets
  • PIC 9(6) is equivalent to PICTURE 999999
  • PIC 9(6)V99 is equivalent to PIC 999999V99
  • PICTURE X(10) is equivalent to PIC XXXXXXXXXX
  • PIC S9(4)V9(4) is equivalent to PIC S9999V9999
  • PIC 9(18) is equivalent to PIC 999999999999999999

1 comment:

  1. Can you give some examples of using the Pic clause, justa for clarify more the possibilities? Fo r Example, the given folowing pic:

    ZFNN-C-CAMPON PIC Z(17)9-.

    What is the result?
